Eligibility Criteria
This programme is currently available only to eligible South African non-profit organisations (see
Programme eligibility Criteria)
- Products will be distributed to eligible organisations only, not to individuals.
- An organisation must have an annual budget of less than R35 million per annum.
- Organisations which provide the following types of services are eligible to receive Cisco donations through this programme:
- Basic Human Needs:
- Housing & shelter
- Low income housing
- Housing for the aged
- Help and accommodation for the homeless
- Refuges and shelters
- Care and housing of children and orphans
- Food & income
- Food distribution
- Helping meet basic needs inc. finance
- Job training/basic skills training/help into work
- Legal aid and counselling and advice
- Access to clean water
- Mine clearance
- Access to Education:
- Special needs education
- Access to basic skills
- Literacy
- Numeracy
- Digital inclusion
- Re-training of long term unemployed
- Access to Health Services:
- Awareness, support and information for sufferers of illness
- Health counselling
- Care for the elderly
- Aid to the handicapped
- Prevention of cruelty to children
- Rescue & emergency services
- Rehabilitation services (drugs, alcohol etc)
The following types of organisations are not eligible to receive Cisco donations through this programme:
- Religious organisations without a secular community designation: A secular designation is defined as an organisation separate from the church or religious organisation that provides services to people regardless of their religious beliefs and does not propagate a belief in a specific faith. Example: A refugee shelter with Public Benefit Organisation status that is run by a church, but is a separate and unique organisation that provides shelter and assistance to anyone who qualifies for services, regardless of religious beliefs.
- Foundations and grant-making organisations
- Schools
- Museums
- Libraries
- Camps
- Zoos
- Cultural and environmental education organisations
- Any organisation that advocates, supports or practices discrimination based on race, religion, age, ethnicity, national origin, language, size, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic background or disability.
In terms of the programme:
- During one fiscal year (1st July – 30th June), an organisation may request any quantity of Cisco products in a single order . The combined administrative fees for all ordered items may not exceed R9500 (R118,750 retail value) + VAT.
- An organisation that is an affiliate of a larger organisation (with no more than 10 affiliates) may order products individually, providing it is a registered South African Public Benefit Organisation in its own right.
- An organisation must demonstrate that it has a technology line item in its budget and must be able to state the amount of that budget line item.
- An organisation must demonstrate that a Trustee or Director of the organisation has requested the equipment.
- Cisco may, at its sole discretion, provide "functionally equivalent" substitute product(s) for any request or order.
- Cisco products may not be transferred or resold.
- Recipient organisations are required to sign an Equipment Donation Agreement.