Microsoft Software Donations Programme


Eligibility Criteria

  • This programme is currently available only to South African registered Charities and Charitable Housing Associations.
  • Products will be distributed to eligible organisations only, not to individuals.
  • Organisations which provide the following types of services are eligible to receive Microsoft donations through this programme:

    • Relief to the poor
    • Advancement of education
    • Advancement of social and community welfare
    • Advancement of culture
    • Advancement of the natural environment
    • Other purposes beneficial to the community
  • Additional types of organisations are eligible to receive Microsoft donations through this programme, including:

    • Public libraries for public access purposes
    • Public Museums
    • Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief organisations
    • Community Health Clinics
    • Behavioral healthcare nonprofits that provide mental health, chemical dependency and other psychosocial services to the community
    • Women’s health centres
    • Blood banks
    • Trade associations with registered charity status that have charitable aims and activities
    • Religious organisations, registered as a charity, with a secular community designation that is separate from the church or religious organisation, that provides services to people regardless of their religious beliefs, and does not propagate a belief in a specific faith
  • The following types of organisations are not eligible to receive Microsoft donations through this programme:

    • Private Foundations
    • Governmental organisations or agencies including international governmental organisations and United Nations Entities
    • Educational Institutions – organisations eligible through Microsoft academic volume licensing programs are not eligible for software donations, including nonprofit private schools
    • Healthcare Organisations and Networks – healthcare organisations and networks including hospitals, specialty networks, ambulatory healthcare services, home healthcare and assisted living healthcare organisations are not eligible
    • Healthcare Research Organisations and Research Laboratories – Includes organisations pursuing systematic investigation, including research development, testing and evaluation, designed to develop or contribute to general knowledge
    • Commerce and Trade Associations without charitable aims or activities
      Sponsorships of events, tables, exhibitions, or performances
    • Fund-raising events such as luncheons, dinners, walks, runs, or sports tournaments
    • Political, Labour and Fraternal organisations
    • Refurbishers that will be installing the donated software on refurbished computers to be distributed or donated to nonprofits or schools
    • Religious organisations not registered as a charity and without a secular community designation that is separate from the church or religious organisation

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  • Each eligible organisation may request up to six titles, and up to 50 user licences per title every per two-year period, with the following exceptions:

    • For server titles, organisations may request one server licence per title and up to 50 Client Access Licences (CALs). i.e. organisations may not order two copies of the same server title.
    • Server licences with accompanying CALS will, together, count as two separate titles towards the six-title limit.
    • Organisations may order additional licences of software titles that they already received through the Microsoft Software Donations Programme (as part of their previous order within the two-year ordering cycle). This is true even if the current title is an upgraded version of the original software. Such orders will not count against the 6-title limit. However, the total number of licences requested for this title (between the two orders) may not exceed 50.
  • Eligible organisations may place a maximum of two orders (one per year) within a two-year period:

    • An organisation's first order initiates a two-year ordering cycle. After the ordering cycle has begun, an organisation must wait one full year before placing a second order. i.e. an organisation that placed an order on 01/07/06 may place a new order 01/07/07.
    • The combined total of products ordered in a two-year period may not exceed six titles and 50 user licences per title (or one licence per server title).
    • Once two years have passed since an organisation's original order, the order limits will be reset. i.e. an organisation that placed an order on 01/07/06 may order six new titles and 50 licences per title (or one licence per server title) on 01/07/08.
  • Donations will be fulfilled using Microsoft Open Licensing. This means that boxed (full packaged) products and paper licences will not be shipped to organisations through this programme. Instead, an e-mail will arrive with an authorisation number for approved requests and directions to go to a Microsoft Web page to download licensing agreements. Software media (CDs) will be sent directly from Microsoft via air mail.
  • Each order must include a minimum of five "seats." One licence = one seat. Each licence counts individually toward the five-licence total except for server licences. Server licences count as five seats, and thus fulfill the five-seat requirement on their own.
  • Microsoft may, at its sole discretion, provide "functionally equivalent" substitute product(s) for any request or order.
  • Microsoft products may not be transferred or resold. Additionally, Microsoft products may not be installed on computers that will be given to or sold to other organisations or individuals.
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